Provided oversight and support for the development of a new academic advising model that led to improvement in student retention, enhanced career development, intuitive case management for all first time in college students and those needing intervention, and expanded the advisor role to include teaching student success as a non-credit course during the first 4 weeks of the term. Advisors are college administrators who facilitate student success for completion and graduation.
Midtown Educational EcosystemProvided oversight in the organization and development of a Midtown community educational ecosystem in partnership with K-12 and community leaders, businesses, civic and religious organizations, parents and students. This coordinated partnership is designed to make a collective impact by collaborating to improve community success as children transition from pre-K through high school and to post-secondary education.
SPC named a Leader College by Achieving the Dream (ATD)Provided leadership and development strategy for The College Experience initiative. The College Experience components are directly aligned with Achieving the Dream's student success strategies that improves student success rates
Students Manage Campus Based Activities BudgetsAuthorized 25% of the overall student activities budget (1.2 million dollars) to be managed by campus based Student Government Associations. Funds are allocated by enrollment and campus programming is determined by the SGA membership (clubs and associations). Students are empowered to support student needs and provide experiences on campus that will improve retention and student success. Students provide an annual budget presentation and a mid-year update.
The College ExperienceStrengthened campus leadership by creating a strong Campus Provosts Council in the development and execution of The College Experience, a SPC core value that is devotedly focused on student success. As a result, The College Experience, increased college-wide use of data, enhanced employee focus on student success, and improved the overall culture of the College. This substantive change established a culture of collaboration, lessened internal politics and created the “one college” vision. The College Experience is receiving national attention and local recognition and was recently awarded the 2014 Chancellor’s Best Practice Award and noted in the Tampa Bay Partnership Newsletter.
Enhanced Project Completion and SustainabilityEstablished weekly webinars for various projects that lead to project goal completion and improved student success. This provided a college-wide focus on core values for student success that mirror the College’s mission.
Florida’s Developmental Education Reform BillProvided leadership and oversight in policy development for the implementation plan for Florida’s Developmental Education Reform Bill by providing weekly guidance to the college-wide Developmental Education/Retention committee, actively participating in the design of training modules for staff and guidelines for students in making their decision to enroll in developmental education or not.
MLK Day of ServiceProvided leadership for Florida’s first MLK Day of Service Initiatives. Sponsored by the Florida Legislature, SPC serves as the fiscal agent for 5 surrounding state and community colleges.
2013 Chamber of Commerce Iconic Woman of the Year FinalistRecognized as a finalist for the 2013 Chamber of Commerce Iconic Woman of the Year Finalist.
2014 Five Fabulous FemalesSelected as one of Academy Prep’s 2014 Five Fabulous Females – my speech
Midtown Campus Naming CommitteeDirected the Midtown Campus naming committee and provided leadership in the design, programming, staffing model and construction of the new building. Also provided leadership for community input for the College’s role in the Midtown area and high impact services needed.
College’s Delta Leadership AcademyEstablished rationale for the College’s Delta Leadership Academy for mid-level supervisors to expand their leadership skills in order to influence change and transformation.
Student Government Budget ProcessConceptualized and established the Student Government Budget Process where SGA leaders not only manage their perspective campus budgets (25% of the overall student activities funds), but also organize campus events designed to support the general student body by restructuring budget and align it with the College’s goals and processes.
Plan to Improve CurriculumEstablished the implementation of a comprehensive plan to improve curriculum and instruction changes by employing alternative tools to capture faculty credentials and curriculum changes. These tools changed our processes and timeline faculty credentialing and revisions to course curriculum and requirements.
Online Student Complaints & Appeals ProcessSupervised the development of an online student complaints & appeals process, data maintenance sight, and web pages to assist students in submitting complaints and help faculty/staff maintain records.
Re-directed the Athletics ProgramRe-directed the entire athletics program to strategically focus on academics, attitude and then athletics. These changes resulted in enhanced grades, success and graduation rates of program participants. Currently 50% of SPC athletes hold a 3.0+ GPA!
Participated in the cultivation of a fundraising initiative that resulted in the award of scholarship funds for men and women of color.
Partnership with Jr. AchievementEnhanced access, admissions and retention efforts for at-risk high school students by implementing a college-wide partnership with Jr. Achievement to offer a summer program for at risk middle and high school students at SPC campuses.
Veterans Services ProgramInstituted the College’s Veterans Services Program which led to SPC’s appointment as a “Veteran Friendly” institution and significant growth of Veterans students.
PODS Championship Golf TournamentIncreased fundraising efforts for the college in collaboration with PODS Championship Golf Tournament – raised $45,000.
Tarpon Springs CampusExecuted the plan for annexing the Tarpon Springs Campus into the Tarpon Springs City limit to improve and further develop community relationships.
Congressman Gus Bilirakis’ OfficeEstablished external relationships and partnerships with Congressman Gus Bilirakis’ office to host a presentation by the ambassador of Cyprus, Greece - Andreas Kakouris.
Leepa Rattner MuseumEnhanced the relationship between the College’s Leepa Rattner Museum Board of Directors and College administration through collaborative leadership.
Student Activities Building / Administration BuildingAccomplished the renovation of the student activities building and restructure of the administration building to support staff and serve students and expanded space utilization.
ESOL ProgramProvided innovative leadership that established a partnership with Pinellas County Schools to bring an ESOL Program to the Tarpon Springs Campus.
Directed Campus Facilities Upgrades- Completed the new entrance off the Belcher Road Extension into the Tarpon Springs Campus.
- Initiated facility planning and redesign process for the College of Education building.
- Completed the remodeling of a the new food service and bookstore at the Tarpon Springs Campus in the Olympia Building
- Completed the Remodel/renovate of the Olympia Annex for classrooms and labs.
Established a college-wide advising model that further aligned academic and student affairs practitioners by enhancing collaboration and communication. The concept was titled “Responsible Engagement for Active Learning (R.E.A.L.).” It opened the dialogue for academic and student affairs to realize the need for a common goal to help students succeed.
Revitalized the Health ProgramDirected the revitalization of the health programs admission process from a waiting list to selective admissions for designated programs.
The Health Education CenterLaunched the development of a testing center, food and business services at the Health Education Center.
Student Appeal ProcessEnhanced student communication that led to a streamlined student appeal process and decreased the number of grievances submitted.
Nursing Program CurriculumEstablished a thorough review of the nursing program curriculum and instructional procedures to enhance student success and board pass rates. This required intense faculty inclusion and involvement.
Linkage ProgramDirected the Linkage Program processes and procedures at SPC. The Linkage program was designed to help students obtain admission to State of Florida community college health programs not offered at their local colleges. Five Florida community colleges participated.
Brother 2 Brother (B2B) ProgramEstablished and provided oversight for the Brother 2 Brother (B2B) Program for African American males. This program was designed to improve success and graduation rates of African American Males. The Brother 2 Brother Program was recognized as a finalist for the Terry O’Banion Shared Journey Award and an Exemplary Model in the May issue of the Chronicle for Higher Education
Pathway of ProgressionDeveloped a pathway of progression for participants to advance from one SPC student support program to the other. This pipeline increased the number of underprepared students entering college and earning a degree or certificate.
The Pathway ProgramDeveloped and cultivated The Pathway Program to help underprepared students succeed and close the enrollment gap for students of color in limited access programs. The Program received the Best Practices Award in Vocational Education by the Florida Vocational Association – 1994 and the Exemplary Career Guidance & Counseling Program Award by the National Center for Research in Vocational Education (NCRVE) - 1995
Other AchievementsKeynote speaker for Florida College System SGA Conference - Conference speaker
Keynote Speaker, YWCA Purses & Passion - Conference Speaker
Grades are Up at SPC